Find the right people.

Find your next clients, partners and investors by leveraging insights from your own network using your demand and supply.

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Recommendations on everything you need to grow

Bizdex uses information on your business and what you need to build it to help you find the right people in your network. Instead of searching the market to find what you need, you make it come to you.


Onboard in less than a minute

Tell us what you do and what your business needs.


Match based on your supply and demand

Bizdex looks for recommendations using your network and that of others.


Stay up to date

Gain real-time insights into your network and stay connected with the industry.

Business discovery has never been easier

Modern industries require modern solutions to scale. Bizdex facilitates that by connecting individual professionals and companies with a global network.

  • Investors

    Finding the right investors for a business is crucial for collaboration.

  • Co-Founders

    Connect to like-minded entrepeneurs on our global network.

  • Mentors

    Knowledge sharing has become critical in our specialised economical landscape.

  • Skillsets

    Hire professionals for any project in any industry.

  • Product discovery

    Bizdex recommends the tools you require so you can focus on your core business.

  • Customer acquisition

    Streamline sales pipelines by matching with the exact customers you're looking for.

Grow your business

It takes 30 seconds to sign up. Download the app and create an account today and gain access to everything you need to succeed.

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • Is Bizdex free?

      Bizdex is currently in Beta and all features are completely free to use. We will be introducing a subscription model in the future.

    • Is Bizdex relevant to my type of business?

      We recommend anyone in any industry to start using Bizdex. Whether you work in construction or at a startup, Bidex will help you grow your network and find new opportunities.

    • How do I add my current network?

      Bizdex offers multiple ways on onboarding your network. You can invite your contacts via e-mail, through a QR code or by sharing your unique profile's link.

    • How does Bizdex ensure the privacy of my data?

      Bizdex uses robust security measures to protect your data. All personal and professional information is encrypted and stored securely.

    • Can I control who sees my information on Bizdex?

      Bizdex offers privacy settings that let you control the visibility of your profile and decide who can view your demands and supplies.

    • Can I schedule a demo or training session for Bizdex?

      Yes, Bizdex offers scheduled demos and training sessions for new users. Contact our support team to book a session at a convenient time.

    • What should I do if I encounter a problem with the app?

      If you encounter any issues, you can contact our support team through the app or via email. We are here to help you resolve any problems quickly.